Transaction 19f570aae7c312d7971406fbb7eb75a6d163a86c9be9a0fec8847195b678f8ed


  • Written in Block
    701940 (Main Chain)
  • Confirmation 159111 Confirmation(s)
  • Timestamp 2021-09-24 12:14:22
  • Tx Size 248 Bytes
  • Other Explorers BLOCKCHAIR
  • Input 0 BTC
  • Output 6.32337375 BTC
  • Fees 0.07337375 BTC
  • Rate 0.30296258 BTC / KB
  • Recommendation CoinEx Wallet
Input (0 Txs)
Output (2 Txs) 6.32337375 BTC

New Block Reward

ôµ : This block was mined with a carbon negative power source  hz }ˁM

Output (2 Txs) 6.32337375 BTC
Input Scripts
Output Scripts



(Decode)ôµ : This block was mined with a carbon negative power source  hz }ˁM

Output Scripts


OP_HASH160 1320e6542e2146ea486700f4091aa793e7360788 OP_EQUAL

OP_RETURN aa21a9ed9000aaa5264057f5fdd4877ad4da9d15957a7fe51e142380081a5b67c200e360